Tuesday 2 December 2008

Secondary Research

My information on this blog entry is from the uk film council webiste statistical year book.

Table 1:

This table shows that:
Comedy has the highest number of releases and was the top-grossing genre at the UK box office, which shows that it was the most popular. Then next came thriller, then next came horror then next came romance.
This tells us that comedy makes the most money! But it had 127 releases of this film genre, and has the highest number of releases on the table, so it was bound to make the most money. But in comparison the thriller genre only had 28 releases of its genre and came fifth in the list. So using these statistics, I think that if only 28 comedy's had been made then the thriller genre would have made more money. But also shows that comedy is the most popular genre that people want to watch, other wise, why would people make so many. Horror in comparison to a thriller had 24 releases and thriller had 28 and it is 10th on the list so this shows that even though it has a similar amount of releases it did not make as much money which show's that it is not as popular as comedy or thriller. Then there is romantic which was 14th on the list and had 21 releases and made the lowest amount of money from the box office on the table. So this show's that out of the four it is the most unpopular film to be made and to make money at the box office. So if you combine our research about romantic films and comedy films, and we have been asked to make a rom com, then we need to make our Rom Com with more comedy in it, so we can make more money (Y)
It also tells us the top film for each of the genre's which if we choose to make that film we should analyse that film in detail, and use some of the idea's from that film to try and make our openings similar to theres.

Table 2:

This table shows that:
The average number of sites at widest point of release - the number of places that the film was shown at at the time. The thriller genre had 28 releases and was shown at 217 sites compared to the horror genre who had 165 sites and 24 releases, which is only a difference of four releases there is a significant difference in the amount of sites that the films were shown at so makes thriller the more popular genre. Compared to the comedy genre who had 127 releases shown at 121 sites there is an extreme difference in the amount of releases and in sites, which definetly makes the thriller genre more popular. Compared to the romance genre which there was 62 releases and only 21 sites, makes romance the least popular out of all of them, and makes the thriller genre the most popular. But taking into account that the two genre's romantic and comedy will be combined when we create our opening, them combined could be even more popular than thriller and horror if combined together to make something that has more of a balance of comedy than romance.

Table 3:

This table shows that:
Average box office per site - how much money was made on each site for each of the genre.
Horror - came last, so made the least money out of all of the genre's, which shows that this genre was the least popular and wont make much money, and came a significant difference between the other genres. Thriller - came third so made it the third least popular genre, and wont make as much money as a romantic film or a comedy film. But it wasn't that far away from beating the romantic genre. Romance - came second and made the second most amount of money and so was one of the most popular out of the four genre's, Comedy - made the most money and was the most popular out of the four. When we create our opening the comedy and romance genre will be combined, so most certainly could be the most popular and a significant amount of money

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