Tuesday 2 December 2008

Primary Research

For our primary research we deigned a questionaire for our audience so that we could decide what each kind of genre appealed to which kind of person, so that it would make it easier to aim our opening at that specific kind of person.

My questionaire:

Audience Research
Please circle one answer for each of the following questions

Age - 16–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50+

Gender - Male Female

Favourite Genre of Film - Romantic-Comedy Thriller Horror

Do you prefer to rent or buy DVD’s? Rent Buy

Do you prefer to watch films on DVD or at the cinema? DVD Cinema

Please write down your answer for each of the following questions

Which magazine do you read the most? :

What television programme do you watch the most? :

If you’re FAVOURITE GENRE of film was a THRILLER to the question above please answer the following questions:
What is your favourite thriller film?

What do you like the most about your favourite thriller film?

Is there anything specific you enjoy about the thriller genre?

If you’re FAVOURITE GENRE of film was a HORROR to the question above please answer the following questions:
What is your favourite horror film?

What do you like the most about your favourite horror film?

Is there anything specific you enjoy about the horror genre?

If you’re FAVOURITE GENRE of film was a ROMANTIC COMEDY to the question above please answer the following questions:
What is your favourite Romantic Comedy film?

What do you like the most about your favourite Romantic Comedy film?

Is there anything specific you enjoy about the Romantic Comedy genre?

The results from my primary research was that:
Romantic Comedy - Any age group enjoyed our romantic comedies as the age varied between all of them, the gender was mainly female who enjoyed romantic comedy and they prefered to rent them and watch them on DVD at home. Also they prefered to watch them on DVD to at the cinema. The range of romantic comedy films varied in each questionaire but the main things people enjoyed about Rom Com's is the predictabiluty and the the couple getting together at the end, and the whole typical rom com plot. Also people wrote that the main thing they enjoyed about the film was the comedy, and more people wrote comedy over romance. Occupations also varied but magazines that they read were all gossip and fashion and celebritymagazines such as heat and more magazine. The TV programs included loose women and programs such as hollyoaks and eastenders.
So I have learnt from this that if I am aiming my romantic comedy at women from any age group and to keep to the specific rom com plot and predictability and lean towards the comedy over the romance. Also if my film was to come out on DVD focus more on the marketing of the DVD as more people prefer to buy rom com's than watch at the cinema. Also that we should advertise rom com's in gossip magazines and on daytime television and during soaps in the evening.

Thriller - Any age group enjoyed thrillers as the age varied between all of them, the gender was mainly male who enjoyed thrillers and they prefered to buy them and watch them on DVD at home. Also they prefered to watch them at the cinema than on DVD at home. The range of Thriller films varied in each questionaire but the main things people enjoyed about Thriller is the jumpay and scaryness and the car races and action. Also people wrote that the main thing they enjoyed about the film was the suspense and the twists to the plot in the endings. Occupations also varied but magazines that they read were Nuts and Q agazine. The TV programs included programs such as prison break top gear and mock the week.
So I have learnt from this that if I am aiming my Thriller at men from any age group and to keep to the suspense action and twists to the plot. Also if my film was to come out on DVD focus more on the marketing of the cinema as more people prefer to watch thrillers at the cinema. Also that we should advertise thrillers in male orientated magazines and during specific television shows.

Horror - The specific age group that enjoyed horrors the most was 16 - 29 year olds, there was not a specific gender that watched horrors the most who enjoyed thrillers. They prefered to buy them and watch them on DVD at home than to rent them. Also they prefered to watch them at the cinema than on DVD at home. The range of Horror films varied in each questionaire but the main things people enjoyed about Horrors is the gore and the violence, and the suspense being built up and actually being scared. Also people wrote that the main thing they enjoyed about the film was the suspense and the twists to the plot in the endings. Occupations also varied as they was no specific gender so we could advertise for horrors in most magazines aimed at young males and females as this was the age range that prefered them. The TV programs included programs such as teen programs such as skins, also soaps and programs such as top gear.
So I have learnt from this that if I am aiming my Horror at men and women at a yonger age and to keep to the gore and the general scaryness to the plot. Also if my film was to come out on DVD focus more on the marketing of the cinema as more people prefer to watch thrillers at the cinema. Also that we should advertise thrillers in any popular magazine or television program for a younger audience.

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