Monday 1 December 2008

Individual Research on Rom Com's

Romantic comedy is a genre in which a story about romance is presented with elements of comedy.
Works in this genre are generally considered light-hearted.
This genre is normally catagorised as a "chick flick" meaning that they are aimed at a feamale audience.
Themes normally seen in a rom com inlude:
Relationship, Sexuality and Morality.
True love does exist.
There's someone out there just for everyone.
Romance can overcome all obstacles.

The basic plot of a romantic comedy is that a man and a woman, meet, and then due to an argument or some kind of obstacle they split up, then finally reunite.
Sometimes the man and woman meet and get together to start with, then must go through some sort of challenge before they reunite.
Sometimes the man and woman dont want to get together because they believe that they dont like each other, because one of them has a partner or because of thier social status. However, they leave clues that suggest that they are meant to be together.

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