Thursday 13 November 2008

Thriller - Seven

We are now going to study the beginning of each of the Genre's openings in detail, looking and codes and convetions, Camera shots, Editing, Mise - en - scene, sound and special effects. The first one we have looked at is Thriller.

Thriller - Opening - Seven
Detective Somerset - Morgan Freeman:
Smartly dressed, Important, Established, Nice house, Meticulously in order - Proffessional - Methodical, Lives on his own - Lonely, Camera shots - tracking when walking down the street - comfortable with surroundings.
Sounds - City - Dark - Sinister, Theme of City, No sence of community in the City, Everyone keeps themselves to themselves - Good setting for thriller - Crime theme, Metronome - Thinking - Methodical.
Detective Mills - Brad Pitt: ;)
Young, Black leather jacket, Rebellious, Not comfortable with surroundings - Camera shot - tracking when walking down the street - posture - uncomfortable, Loose tie - messy - doesn't tie it everyday. Contrat to Morgan Freemans Character
Scrap Booook:
Music - Edgy - Distorted Screams - Sinister, Storyline - Serial killer on the loose.
Pathetic Phallacy - Miserable, reflects the mood of the scene.

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