Wednesday 26 November 2008

Thriller - Red Dragon

We are now going to study the beginning of each of the Genre's openings in detail, looking and codes and convetions, Camera shots, Editing, Mise - en - scene, sound and special effects. The first one we have looked at is Thriller.

Opening - Thriller - Red Dragon
Setting - orchestra - upper class - cultured
Lecturs house - expensive - well kept - old - antique - expensive!
Accentric artefacts - well travelled - wealthy - dining table - candels - expensive dinner sets
Recipe book - in french - libary - educated - cooked dinner - appreciates fine foood...
Props - arrows - recipe book
Lighting - reflects atmosphere
Colour - dark red furniture - house - blood - death
Titles - one word red, one word white, two sides of a person. Tattoo man wrestles with consience - transform - good - evil.
Sits opposite man at desk - facing each other, face off.
Camera! - reaction shots - lectur
Reaction shot - Will - lectur killer
Establishing shot
Zoom on lectur from establishing shot - spatail awareness
Lectur predator - picking out the flute player - intelligent
Edited - slow steady continuity
Shot reverse shot
Attention drawn to flut player - editing
Sound music - parralel to the action - parralel sound
Pian string instruments - formal
Increased in tempo when appropriate in the scene
High strings - edgy
Builds up when Will is looking at the book

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