Wednesday 26 November 2008

Horror - Scream

We are now going to study the beginning of each of the Genre's openings in detail, looking and codes and convetions, Camera shots, Editing, Mise - en - scene, sound and special effects. The second one we have looked at is Horror.

Opening - Horror - Scream
Post modern
Camera - Insert - phone knife - hand, Medium shot - phone, 1st shot - cliche, inserts - phones, knives, popcorn. phsyco, lock of door, Wide shot - see backgound - know something is going to happen. Reaction shot - zoom in. P.O.V shot - looking at door - into the dark, gives a sence of being watched - shots from outside - P.O.V - killer, Inside and outside - swing - creaking - knows someone has just been there - hanging there at the end, E.L.S - house, and car arriving - remote.
Editing - slow motion! - kills her in slow motion - has a chance to get away - chance slipping away - draws attention to how she is killed - graphic - pauses on knife - zooms in fast on her hanging - P.O.V, credits - scream - white to red sound overlaps to title on the 1st screen.
Sound - stabbing noises - slicing sounds - heart beat - base drums - builds up - eratic, innocent at the beginning - very normal, builds up - strings high tempo and frequency - increases melancholy - music - when she has been stabbed - sad depressing - melancholy.
Mise-en-scene - Costume - mask cloak hood - stereotype killer, scream painting -mask, Innocent girl - blonde - wearing white - teenager - innosence, props - popcorn - symbolic - what is happening - build sup - explodes when killer comes in - tension builds, knives - stabber horror - not supernatural - rference to halloween - knife baby sitter - mask - intertextuality, starts with phone call - ends with dial tone - significant, College kid - football jacket - high shcool, Setting - big house - wealthy - isolated - middle class, lots of glass - doors - windows - few spotlights outside - he can see her, she cant see him - lights. Movement - glides across everywher - creepy - killer.

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