Friday 3 April 2009


During one lesson everyone in the class watched eached others work and five people were giving out sheet to fill in to give us feedback on a variety of aspecs on out work.

Out of the 5 people who evaluated our work, 4 rated our production to have excellent codes and conventions of a romantic comedy. The other person thought they were good. Personally i agree that we followed the codes and conventions of a romantic comedy as we included all the things we have researched and found out from our audiences.
People also thought our production was well planned. Which it was as we created an action plan and managed to stick to it although there was some trouble when we were supposed to be filiming the first time. Also from the feedback sheet our group thought that our production shows high imagination and creativity, as a group we thought the idea of our film was good and we tried to add in some things the did not conform to usual rom com conventions such as the singing and dancing as well as the fact that the couple hate each other to begin with, although these aren't typical rom com conventions and we challenged them we still managed to create a decnt rom com.
Shot composition and mise en scene were given ones, we added as much as we could into the shots and made sure we really worked on the mis en scene to make the story line more realistic and believable. For example, we added in sweets and empty wine and alcohol bottles to make it look like her friends were trying to maker her feel better, as all good friends do.
The editing was also given mainly ones and one person commented that it was quite creative as we added a split screen and also a lot of dissolve shots, and made some of the shots black and white to show that it was the past. The music worked briliantly and was absoloutly perfect and amazingly cheesy to go with the storyline and the dancing and one person commented that the music went really well. The titles we used were also given ones and went perfectly well with a romcom storyline as they were pink, white and in fancy writing.
One person commented that at one point in the film, where she finds the bra, Nova looks at the camera. I had noticed this, but personally I diddn't think there was a problem with it, but maybe not... So from this feedback we could of done it that part again, there is a part when they are running down the stairs that seems to be a bit blurry that we would have filmed again, and some of the shot's havn't got great lighting on them and are a bit dark so these could have been done again, but it took so much effort to get everyone we wanted in the film to be in one place at one time to actually do it, it wasn't actually possible to refilm...