Thursday 15 January 2009

We have decided to useeeee


As everyone in the group all agreed that we thought it would be the easiest to do in the amount of time we had, and was the best idea out of all four of them, no one in the group diddn't want to do it :) So everyone was happy and it was great!

Rom Com Idea's

Where do idea's come from?
Films, books, games, newspaers, magazines (Real life stories), Soaps, past or personal experience. So we used a combination of these to create our four idea's for our rom com.

1. Happy couple - been together for a while.
Lots of photo's of them together
Find out he's cheating - kicks him out - not much clothes on.
throws girls knickers at him
Friends come over - cheer her up
Burn photo's - wine - ice cream
Sing a song - hair brushes - 'I will survive'
Music idea's for background - 'Love' - joss stone.
'Wash that man right out of my hair'
- in a city

2.Male bridget jones - gay
- Not conventional - not come out yet
- Uncomfortable - telling his parents - reactions
- Religous family - go a tad crazy when they find out - irish
Keep asking 'Are you sure'
Tells them - 'I'm terminal' ... 'oh' ... 'not really! i'm only gay'
Beginning him getting ready - preparing to tell them doing hair etc.
Voice over in opeing titles - like bridget jones.

3.Poor lady - council estate - loives with her mum
Rich man - well educated - professional business man
them getting ready same time - doing same thing - goes between houses.
Difference in thier life styles.
Lady gets a job as an intern at his work place - he fancies her.
his secretary wants him - she's a bitch! - stop them from being together.
All live happily ever after in the end!

4. Author writing love novels
Never finds love for herself - woman is accentric - comedy
One of her love stories comes true for her as she starts to write it.
opening - her on type writer
As she writes the names the pictures of the characters come up - fade onto the screeen.
When she writes about the main character - pictures of her come up.

We have decided to makeeee...


From looking at our research we have done we think it will be most effective to make the opening to a romantic comedy :)
'Cited much!? YAY! :)